Thursday, September 30, 2010

And the Training Begins

For the past couple of days we have been in non-stop training for this new program we are trying to start. Its called Hope House and its for sexually exploited women. Abby's mom got here yesterday and she has been a licensed counselor for 15 years and for the past 2 years has worked with sexually exploited women. She spoke to us today during our training about how to properly interact with these women. We are trying to prepare our self on how to show these women love and co-exist in a very open and safe environment.

So after our meeting I went and ate lunch in town with Abby and her Mom. We ate at Antonio's, my favorite place in Africa to eat. I got sweet and sour chicken with steamed rice. Its actually really good. I was scared the first time I ate because my dad freaked me out about African meat before I came. He was like you never know what your gonna get; monkey, dog, cat. But I love it now and it tastes like chicken so I'm going for it haha. Plus when you eat beans and rice everyday all day you'll take ANYTHING.  I'm growing to love Africa. I know this is where the Lord wanted me because the whole time I've been here I've felt a very calming peace. The staff in the house is super nice and I love them all so much. Last night something discouraging happened. Momma Dunn our super sweet cook informed our house director that her husband had written a letter for him.  The letter said that by Friday she had to quit. After she left David asked me to come talk.  Basically he feels he's at a crossroads. The reason her husband wants her to quit is because she makes more money than him and he wants her home to be with the kids. Momma Dunn knows if she quits her children will have to go without. They are not poverty stricken but without Momma Dunn's income it will be very hard for them to survive. The problem is Momma Dunn's husband has been somewhat abusive before and shes afraid if she doesn't quit he'll try to hurt her but she knows if she does her family will really struggle.  My prayer is the Lord will intervene in this situation and reach her husbands heart and help him realize he must swallow his pride and be thankful she has a job.

Anyways on to a light note. My mom sent roller blades for the boys to play with and yesterday they did and they had sooooo much fun.  They played with the skates all afternoon after school.  Then we had dinner and made cards for Abby's mom. Then we had prayer like we do every night. The boys usually play the piano and we sing a couple of songs, do a bible lesson, then pray. After that its bed time.

Well the boys are getting home for school so I have to run, but I miss you all very much and love you <3

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sweet Treats

Here's a video of the boys making rice krispy treats! So Cute!

A Beautiful Day

Its another beautiful day here in Uganda.  The weather so far has been so wonderful.  I'm so thankful to be here with this team and these wonderful children.  For not having a birth mother and father these children truly understand and express the meaning of Love. The boys here are so wonderful, they constantly want to love on and be loved on.  They are generous, respectful, and compassionate.  Today is my 5th day here and I love this place so much.  I have even grown to like taking a bath in a basin, the rice and beans for every meal is gonna take a little more time getting used to but I'm sure I'll get there.  Even though that's all these boys eat for every meal, they never complain they never get mad or upset, its actually quite the opposite.  Every meal time these children are just so excited to have something to put in their belly that they jump with excitement to eat and to fellowship with one another.  I'll admit yesterday Abby and I were out in town running errands I saw this place and at first I was like MCDONALDS then I realized not quite. Its called steer and its the closest thing to a McDonalds I'm going to find here. So we went in and I thought I was in heaven. I actually got a burger and fries and it tasted like an American Burger and Fries.  I'll definitely be going back over the next 2 months haha. So now that I'm here and settled in me and Abby have gotten down to business.  I'm going to be creating two new blogs and taking over alot of the emails.  She basically needs me to do alot of the marketing/correspondent work for the house.  She is so busy with everything else she just doesn't have time to do blog updates, check emails, upload pictures and videos so I'll be doing most of that. I had to get internet for the house because the internet cafes are so slow here. To do everything I need to do for the blogs and emails it would take me all day in the Internet Cafes so I'll now be able to do it alot quicker and more efficiently at the house.  That's my hope anyways. Today I took a boda (motorcycle) by myself. I was a little nervous about it but it went fine. I went to meet Abby for lunch at the African Market and we went around town to do some shopping and get some things for the house.  We got back just in time for the boys to get home for school.  Tomorrow were meeting with our Hope House staff.  The Hope House is a new project under A Perfect Injustice that were staring to help get young women off the streets.  Were trying to help these young girls that are prostitutes find another way to make a living.  We've found a 2 bedroom house for the girls where we will all meet Monday-Friday 9-4 to make jewelry.  We have staff to come and train the girls how to make the jewelry, during the day we will also be having bible study, counseling, lunch, and most importantly jewelry making.  I'm so excited the Lord has placed this on everyone's heart.  The first day we met we only expected about 5 girls but 16 showed up.  Its a little scary but we know the Lord put those women there for a reason and were going to pray and continue to have faith he will provide. We are praying the jewelry turns out beautiful and we can find people to buy it in the States.  The girls are so thankful for this opportunity, overtime we will truly see and understand the hearts of each of the women.  We hope this will help them leave their old life behind not only their "job" life but we hope they will begin to receive the Lord.  

I will be creating a blog for these girls with pictures of them and the jewelry, so if you would like to learn more information about the Hope House please feel free to check out that blog as well.  Thanks for all the support and prayers. With Love Always, Carla

Saturday, September 25, 2010

1st Full Day Here

Its about 2:00 pm here.  I'm still trying to adjust to everything. It has definitely been a culture shock but I know the Lord is going to open my heart and mind to doing his work while I'm here.  I've been with the children one night and they have already stolen my heart.  Last night after Bible Study one of the boys in the house named Davis came up to me and gave me his bracelet and necklace. I thought I was going to burst into tears. Children that have nothing want to give me things that mean alot to them.  If thats not the Lords Love I dont know what is.  They are selfless and loving. They want to be held and loved on all the time.  They are all so sweet and energetic.  I came to dinner last night and the table and chairs were all filled, one little boy got up and gave me his seat.  Without anyone saying a word to him.  Then this morning right as I woke up I had little Deshir at my door with a cup of tea.  These boys already mean so much to me and its only been 24 hours, I cannot even imagine what it will be like in 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months? 

Abby, Moren, Alice, Josephine, and I are trying to start a home like situation to get young women off the streets working as prostitutes, just to feed their families. We met with them today, and they are so thankful the opportunity we are presenting them.  They will come meet at the center 5 days a week to learn how to make jewelry. Our prayer and hope will be that they will make beautiful jewelry to sell and use that money to support their family and be able to leave their old lifestyle.  We have been praying about this and Abby and the other women have been working and praying towards this for months. We all feel in our heart this is what the Lord is leading us to do.   Prayers are so important for these women, we hope they will come everyday and really give this a chance to better themselves as well as their families.
I cannot wait to see what else the Lord is going to use me for here.  I truly feel the children and people here are going to impact my life more than I will theirs.  They mean so much to me and I cannot wait to continue my time here.  

Thanks to everyone for their support, love, and prayers.  Without you all I could not be here to live out what I feel in my heart the Lord has called me to do.  

I have to run the children have a boxing match @ 3 and I promised I would be there.  Love, Carla

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Night Before I leave!

Its 11:32 and I'm sitting here with my best friend after we've been packing for 5 hours. I'm really excited yet nervous to leave for Africa. I'll be flying out @ 6:30 am. I'll be posting just as soon as I get there and have had time to settle down and get to know the little ones. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.  

<3 Always, Carla

Carla's leaving tomorrow!

Carla is leaving in less than 12 hours for Uganda, Africa.  We will all miss her very much, but know she is going to impact the lives of others tremendously. 

She will hopefully post soon!!!

Pray for a safe arrival!


Anna (BFF)  ;-)