Friday, October 22, 2010

A New Ministry

So last night was AWESOME! Me, Abby, David, Robert, and Bony went to minister to handi-cap people living on the street. We left the house around 8:00 pm and David was carrying blankets for them in a huge bag. We took a taxi then we took Boda's to get to where they were staying.  As we walked all I saw was a line of people sitting on the cold ground wrapped up with a garbage bag eating food that a lady was serving them.  This woman comes every night and feeds them rice, meat, and casava (which is sort of like a chunk of potato) but they have to pay for it.  She serves them that and hot tea for 1,500 shillings which is about .75 cents American Money. It was so sad but awe inspiring at the same time. Right as we got there this man in a wheelchair came up to me grabbed my hand and started talking. He was so sweet, he had no use of his legs and they were pretty much whittled down to nothing.  I'm not sure what the disease or what it is that they have but alot of them have no use of their legs. Their upper body seems completely fine but they have to crawl around on their hands and knees to move. I saw a man doing this last night and all I wanted to do was go pick him up and take him to where he needed to go. Some of them have been able to afford wheelchairs others get around by their hands and knees on the cold hard concrete. I began talking to the adorable, sweet man in the wheelchair and he knew pretty good English, I found out his name was Benson and that he had traveled here from Northern Uganda.  He was a very sweet man and wanted to know all about me and what I was doing here. So after we talked for a bit David asked me if I'd speak to the group. Talk about putting the pressure on.  Well I knew this was my opportunity to talk to these people about Christ so I went for it. I just told them how thankful I was to be here with them and that I was so humbled to be able to meet them. I told them that Christ loved them very much and that he created us all in his own image.  I told them that the Lord had placed them on our hearts and that we would love to come back and see them every Thursday Night. Essentially David is trying to start a home for Handi-cap people, a place they can eat and have a bed and learn more about Christ. What David is trying to do with these people is amazing and I'm so thankful I can be a part of it.  After I talked to them for a few minutes they passed out the blankets. We didn't bring enough for everybody we could only carry about 20 and there was about 40 people when we got there. We gave all the ladies some young, some old, and the children blankets first and told the men we would bring more next time. We also told them that when we come on Thursday nights we would like to buy their food for them.  These people cannot work so the only way they have money for food is from begging. They sit on the side of the road and beg all day and pray they have enough for supper that night.  After we passed out the blankets and David was talking to them the Lord spoke to me and I felt this burning desire to go get them something to drink. So Robert and I walked down to the closest store and I bough 3 cases of juice for them to have. You should have seen their faces when we came back with juice, something as simple and little as juice lit up their world. After we passed out the Juice we talked a little bit more about Christ and decided it was getting late and time for us to leave. We told them all we would be back next week and couldn't wait to see them.  As I walked away I fought back the tears, 2 nights with these people and they already have a place in my heart. I never knew I could love so many people and that the Lord could put so many people on my heart to minister to, but hes definitely doing a work in me here. Between loving my boys here at the house, the girls in hope house, and the new ministry working with the handi-cap people I just don't know how I'll ever be able to leave them all. I'm so thankful to be here in Uganda, yes I have hard days and days where I miss home and my family but for the most part I am beyond thankful for this experience and getting to meet all of these wonderful people. Please continue to pray for the ministries here and what the Lords trying to do!

<3 Always Carla

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could've been there...what an amazing thing you all are doing. You are truly there for a reason, Carla!!!
